
New Millennium SNAP and TANF Reform

Tax payers need to agree in reforming SNAP and TANF recipients.

(1) Stricter application and monitoring process, including a government issued ID check, birth certificate verification, and social security verification and home visits.

a. Home verification, rental and or utilities receipts.

b. Learning bookkeeping and budgeting by maintaining accountability spending of all

funds received.

c. Verification that all children of school age are consistently attending school.

d. Monthly random drug screenings.

e. DMV checks for registration of motor vehicles valued in excess of $4000

f. Criminal Background Checks

(2) Persons applying for and accepting SNAP and TANF must be applying for work unless

totally disabled, and must furnish employer validated proof that they have been job


a. Recipient must do consistent volunteer and community service and the local state

or federal level.

b. If recipient is unable to obtain work, recipient must attend work shops for job


(3) Restriction to the cash assistance.

a. No cash withdraws for Casinos, Alcohol, Tobacco,Smart Phones, Pets, Salons


b. Direct Payment from Government to Landlord and Utility Companies.

c. Review and monitor receipts for necessities, clothing, school supplies, etc.

(4) Restrictions on consumables.

a. Food Selections should be done in a commissary type setting with allotment

based on family members.

b. Commissary type facilities placed in each county based on number of residents.

Each facility would utilize program recipients as employees and provide on the job

training. Thus giving back to the community.

c. Foods would be of healthy nutritional values, not exhausting fund on energy

drinks, junkfoods or expensive cuts of meats and seafood.

d. A means of public transportation would assist in transporting to the facility.

e. Fund would not be used in convenience type stores when discount grocers are

available, except in emergent situation for milk for an infant child.

f. Toiletries along with diapers would be available at this facility.

Putting these items into a working agenda would provide for a family not only nutrition, housing, but pride of learning skills and giving back to the community. The current system is far to easy for people to set back and take advantage of and then have nothing to eat at the end of the month due to poor shopping habits.

People already are eligible for a very reduced fee for a home telephone. Cable and internet should not be paid at the expense of the tax payer. Internet can be used for job searches and any library .

Any person or persons that does not like the ruling are probably able to go out and make a living but choose to use the system with multiple peo