
Mother's Mission - Save Our Children From Drugs-Breaking the Silence

Our children lives are being destroyed at the hands of availability, leanant oversight and laws related to illegal and legal drugs.

Please join in making efforts to protect our children, family members and friends from drug addiction. This crisis crosses all economic, race, religious and social barriers. No one is absolved. Until all of us do our part, our children and their children will continue to lured into a world of destruction.

A call for stricter laws and regulations for prescription drugs accessibility, use of and distribution is needed. Mandated treatment for youth and stricter punishments of suppliers whether considered addicts as well. More community programs for the addicted, their families and friends. Implementation of increased public health initiative to educate all people in our communities and mission to stop abusers in engaging our young people to become suppliers to their addictions. I am on a mission to voice for those who need a voice. If our streets can't be policed to protect our children and young adults from drugs and drug perpetrators what hope is there. Help save our young and help our voices be heard.