
More punishment for parents not paying their child support

To make non paying parents take responsibility for their actions.

Here is my story and I know many other woman in the same exact situation as me. My ex owes me over 16,000 dollars in back due child support and this is just me this does not include his other ex and what he owes her. We go through DOR in Massachusetts but because he works under the table and puts everything in his current wife's name DOR can not do anything other then suspend his driving license. I would like it so any other license be suspended while back due support is owed. For example his hunting license. I think any extra license should be suspended also. Like boating licenses or hunting. He has his contractors license this should also be pulled. Also we should be able to go after their current wife so that they can no longer hide assets in their names. They can get away with things to easily and its not fair to the child or the parent who is providing the full support. Thank you for your time.