Moorish-American Nationality
Formal recognition of the Moorish-America nationality in light of senate's apology for slavery.
The National Association of Indigeneous Moorish-Americans was organized to promote the formal acknowledgement of the fact that whether the African-American is originally from the continent of Africa, North America, or the Islands, they were indeed tribal people, and indigeneous to their lands of orgin. In light of the fact that African-Americans have been catagorically and systematically disfranchised through the agencies of imperalism,and temporary voting rights,
a constitutionally organized network of Moorish-Americans as a federally recognized automous body of indigeneous Americans should be a viable option for African-Americans who wish to restablish or claim their tribal roots.
a constitutionally organized network of Moorish-Americans as a federally recognized automous body of indigeneous Americans should be a viable option for African-Americans who wish to restablish or claim their tribal roots.
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