
MindControlUSA Stop the NSA\'s Killer Satellites

MINDCONTROLUSA ? Regulate Spy Satellites

Stop the Genocide, Terrorism, Torture and War Crimes committed by the mind control program

The United States Military?s spy satellites engage in Genocide, Terrorism, Torture and War Crimes via the Mind Control Program. This black budget program has a multitude of capabilities. Using invisible rays, similar to radio, TV, cell phones and GPS, people are targeted by advanced computer code.

Typically those targeted are key decision-makers in government and industry, both overseas and domestically. Vast swaths of the general population are targeted around the world for mass influence; such as genocide and war crimes. With the advancement in computing memory and database management the individual Intelligence Officer can control many more targets than in past decades.

Using ground station satellite uplinks, dedicated server farms of computing power are enlisted toward keeping various computer data bases churning out instructions to their human zombies on a large scale. On a world-wide scale United States military power is unleashed on unsuspecting masses of humanity. Almost everyone on the planet has a pre-programmed computer file assigned to them.

From the individual computer file, to the computer files of small groups, and the files of key leaders of tens of thousands of people to the computer files of those who lead millions, the earth encircling spy satellites wreck their destruction supported by interlinked ground stations.

There currently are laws in the U.S. Code Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure; Chapter 50A Genocide, 113B Terrorism, 113C Torture and 118 War Crimes that outlaw this behavior which is illegal in the United States. All that is needed is the political will to compel congress to do something about the mystifying mind control program. Stop it now. Specifically require regulation of the out-of-bounds operation of spy satellites. ?Rage against the machine? is no mere slogan, it is the truth.

We?re calling on the White House and Congress to regulate spy satellites requiring them to cease operating as menacing forces in the modern world. Regulate the commander-in-chief?s presidential powers.