
Military Toxic Exposure

Support hundreds of thousands of US Veterans who have been exposed to harmful (life threatening) toxins during their military service.

This petition was created show Congress how much the American people honor, respect and support our Military Veterans and to urge you to join the American people in our efforts to protect those who have served our Country to protect us. We urge you to join Rep. Paul Tonko [D-NY21] by co-sponsoring this life changing piece of legislation, HR 2052, The Fort McClellan Health Registry Act. With this legislation, Veterans that served at Fort McCllean, AL between 1935 and 1999 will be notified of possible toxic exposure. This will also make it possible for these Veterans to receive the health care they need for illnesses acquired while serving their Country. Please show your support to our US Veterans by supporting HR 2052. Thank you in advance for your support.