
Mandatory Health Evaluations/Proof of Citizenship/Term Limits/for anyone seeking to represent the people be it Congressmen, Senators and foremost POTUS

If mandatory health evaluations are ordered for the people shouldn't it in return be also mandatory for our leaders as well?

We the people see the importance of safeguarding the public to ensure people are mentally competent, pose no threat to society and get the help they need for mental illness.

But I dare say...our elected representatives are operating like they have mental health issues too.

Janet Napolano ...head of DHS stockpiling weapons and armored tanks...what is she afraid of of?

Obama...POTUS narcissist, god-like character/attitude, hater of Americans and our Country

A person with narcissistic personality disorder:

Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation

Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals

Has feelings of self-importance

Exaggerates achievements and talents

Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love

Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

Requires constant attention and admiration

Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy

Has obsessive self-interest

Pursues mainly selfish goals

Eric Holder...Attorney General...does not respect the office he holds, thinks he is above the law, militant in deeds and jeopardizes Americans safety.

A person with antisocial personality disorder

Breaks the law repeatedly

Lies, steals, and fights often

Disregards the safety of self and others

Does not show any guilt

Nancy Pelosi...House Minority Leader greediest pig of a woman I have ever seen. As stated by the jackasses mouth and noted by Michelle Malkin...

The very simple economic philosophy of Nancy Pelosi and too many others is that all your money belongs to government and what you have left over is because of their good graces, but it comes as an expense to them so try not to be too greedy. What the Hell?

Destructive Narcissistic Greed

Greed is a word that is used to describe the renegade behaviors of narcissists who achieve momentous success at the expense of others, even close family members. The narcissist is psychologically and spiritually hungry. His/her restless need, search and acquisition for more, despite what he already has, is a signature trait of the high level narcissist. Also applies to the narcissist's obsession with the pursuit of material possessions, luxury, the encompasses not only the desire to get something--wealth, possessions,control--but a strong urge to withhold what others need. Narcissists are both greedy and avaricious.

And there are many more currently in office that have these personality, mental disorders!!

Clean up around your own backdoor before you go cleaning around ours!!! Matthew 7:1: "Judge not, that you be not judged."