
Make mugshots private information

Dear government officials;

Public mugshots do a lot more harm than good. Making them public record may seem harmless, but the court of public opinion can be more damning than a trial in an official courtroom. This being the case I am petitioning all levels of the American judicial system to make mugshots private in order to protect the sanctity of the American people. The American judicial system states that you were innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately as I've stated the court of public opinion can be very harsh and in fact many times Americans find themselves guilty until proven innocent. Mugshots make the damning of American citizens in a public setting easier. What I am petitioning would be allowing the judicial system to do what it is designed to do; and then release the mugshots if necessary.
Privatizing these records can save a lot of people their jobs, their families, their community connections, and their religious affiliations plus a whole laundry list of other social and communal relationships. So again I'm petitioning all levels of the American judicial system to privatize mugshots to stop what is commonly known as a trial by fire in the court of public opinion.