Make Gender Reassignment Surgery On Minors Under 18 Punishable By Death.
The government has begun to alter humanity's DNA and has openly admitted pushing gender reassignment surgery on minors for their perverted agenda. Penectomies, hysterectomies, and mastectomies are the current trending genitalia mutilation being done as science experiments on children by the government on minors under 18 with taxpayer's money. No child shall be put under a knife for genitalia mutilation. If Africa can't do it, neither can America or the entire globe. This petition asks for the death penalty for all: medical personnel, surgeons, doctors, nurses, MLTs, Scientists, politicians, governors, presidents, celebrities, influencers, elites, clergy, parents, teachers, coaches, guardians, or adults. No adult can enforce genitalia mutilation, hormones, or offer DNA altering chemicals to any underdeveloped pubescent body.
Nor can growth hormones treatment be given to any child under 18, making it punishable by death to a pubescent body or persons.
Nor can growth hormones treatment be given to any child under 18, making it punishable by death to a pubescent body or persons.
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