Make Gang Stalking A Felony
Please create a law to end the unlawful targeting of whistle-blowers and reporters of community based crimes.
In America we have the right to lawfully stand up to criminals. When the police play targeting games using ROIC and RISS to target known whistle-blowers, they join in on creating a nazi like authoritarian regime, where there is no justice. The informants are really horrible drug addicted dealers, prostitution and pedophilia rings, thieves, organized crime being paid to gang up on nice, educated , activists.
Let`s end police sting operations to drive out normals not joined up with gangs or mob. Bring back democracy and integrity to our local, state and federal governments, End the reign of the Nazi.
In America we have the right to lawfully stand up to criminals. When the police play targeting games using ROIC and RISS to target known whistle-blowers, they join in on creating a nazi like authoritarian regime, where there is no justice. The informants are really horrible drug addicted dealers, prostitution and pedophilia rings, thieves, organized crime being paid to gang up on nice, educated , activists.
Let`s end police sting operations to drive out normals not joined up with gangs or mob. Bring back democracy and integrity to our local, state and federal governments, End the reign of the Nazi.
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