
Let the Democratic Economic Plan stand on it\'s own or fall on it\'s face.

Prove the Democratic Economic Strategies right or wrong

Partisan negotiations and bickering have lead us to the brink of financial ruin, it's time to choose a path and walk it. Let's quit telling each other why we're right or wrong and give each other the chance to prove it. If the democrats can fix this country God bless them, if not they need to go quietly into the night, same goes for the Republicans. Let's pass every economic plan the Democrats propose including tax reforms and spending and give them the chance to show us how it works. There will be two provisos, (1) all changes will sunset in December of 2016, if the voters decide the Democratic plan is working they can vote it back in. (2) If the country falls into recession the Democratic Party will relinquish control of Congress and give the Republicans the same unfettered control given them.