Kid napping of my three children
Hi my name is Sinead Walker. I have lose my kids over domestic history. Cps came to my apartment unannounced by Omaha, Ne without a warrant by Judge asking qestions about my abuser . They ask me questions and question my kids of a case that has nothing to do with me. Then they called cps in Coucil Bluffs, IA because I live in Council Bluffs, IA. I don't know Omaha Ne cps know where I live. Council Bluffs, IA came to my apartment without a warrant from a Judge to be there of next day. The case worker was screamin and yelling at me. I was scared and they trigger my anxiety. The case worker told me that they look at my police records without a order to do that and said the my place wasn't safe and they called the police on me and threaten to have the police look in my fridge and capnets. I was under a lot of pressure and had postpartum depression and I just had my son. I didn't know what to do at time so I went to the hospital. I didn't have anybody to take my kids so they took advantage of that. Place my kids in foster care and never gavd me my kids back and took me to court. I had told them that my mom could that my kids and they never gave my kids to my mom and never gave her any programs to help my get my mom to take kids. They have never gave me my parental rights as a parent what can I do as a parent and they never gave my kids father his rights either. Never gave me and services to help keep my kids. They adopt my kids before I lost my rights that is want cps of Coucil Bluffs had to me. My case worker never told me that she resigned from dhs. She Never answered any of my phone calls or her supervisor . I had left a lot message. My lawyer never help me with case and give any paper about my case..Their names were Beth Wever and Anne Rohilling. Their was a lot of cps case in River Bend Apartments in Council Bluffs, IA that is where I use too live. They had taken a lot of their kids and not just mine and we all had the same case worker which is Beth Wever. We all need our kids back. I have legal custody of my daughter which Ariyah Walker she was born in Iowa at mercy hospital. They their do same thing to her without a warrant by a judge to be there and they had force me to do assessment with them to keep my daughter because I had loss custody of my other kids. It was been 2018 and 2020 when all this happened to me. I still have custody of daughter Ariyah Walker. I will like to get my other kids back and for those who lived in River Bend Apartments in Council Bluffs, IA to their kids back.. We didn't deserve to get our kids taken. I hope you can hear us out and helps parent to get our kids back. They never gave my kids back after I went to the hospital and had nervous breakdown and took my rights from me. Adopt my kids out with the judge ruling. There were another woman in the apartment as well. I don't know who she was.
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