

Do not bring back horse slaughter - it will not help horses nor the economy for farmers and ranchers. There are better ways to help farmers and ranchers and even better ways to help unwanted horses!

To those who think lifting a ban on horse slaughter will really solve our economic ills or the problem of homeless, neglected or unwanted horses...wake up and smell the coffee, not the burning flesh!

This is a horrendous, inhumane and politically expedient decision. Senator Baucus, in advocating to end the ban on horse slaughter is bowing to a misguided, ill conceived notion and political agenda that slaughter will somehow end equine neglect or that it will somehow boost the economic benefits of farming or ranching in the state of Montana. This is absurd, poorly conceived, politically motivated and downright dumb! Resurrecting slaughter so that a foreign market might eat horse meat not approved for human consumption, denigrates the very foundation on which the American west was built. Whatever happened to the horse as the symbol of the American west? Is a dead, decaying, slaughtered horse really the image of the American west that we want to send around the world?! I doubt it.

Horse slaughter does not and will not solve the economic problems of unwanted horses and it will not solve Montana?s economic problems ? it is a wet band aid that won?t stick, for a larger and deeper problem ? excessive government, government waste and years of bad economic policies. It is a problem that farmers and ranchers have faced for years without any support from their national government. This is why farmers and ranchers are hurting.

The message to you Senator Baucus, is that you may now count on the loss of thousands if not millions of votes and support for far more critical, truly important policies, if you continue down this politically motivated, politically expedient path that panders to a backward thinking, short sighted political agenda.

The slaughter ban may not be as beneficial to some in Montana as certain individuals would like, but this does not even begin to address the true issue which is, among other things, that of indiscriminate equine breeding practices, rising hay and farm prices, driven by poor economic policies that sell our agriculture overseas at lower than fair market values. This is a decision driven by a small number of short sighted individuals and not the majority of farmers. The farming and ranching communities across Montana and much of the west, are not driving this horrific policy and Senator Baucus would be wise to heed the less vocal, more thoughtful farmers and ranchers and other constituents who continue to support a ban on horse slaughter --- because a slaughter ban WILL NOT solve economic problems wrought by our present and past government policies.

In reality, billions of dollars every day that could go towards supporting our farming and ranching communities are going overseas to fight phantom enemies, to prop up failing governments, and to fuel defense contractors overseas while thousands of our young men and women are dying for causes they never even understood, let alone supported.

Across Amer