
Judge the deed

asking to put a stop to discrimination of certain pets

please support!

Everywhere i look people are banning these so called "vicious breeds". Many of us are tired of seeing it. Refusing to rent out a home or allow them in pet parks is discrimination. We do not judge society by the actions of a few so why should we do this to animals? There is no such thing as a vicious breed. Yes some dogs do show aggression but this is due to how they are trained not their breed. Chow's, pitbulls, dobermans, rotts, these breeds deserve a chance. EX. If a man or woman commits assult or murder and has red hair, blue eyes, is 5'5" and speaks with an accent do we ban all people with the same attributes? NO. So why should we allow this with Dogs. They are God's creatures too. Discrimination of any sort should not be allowed. please consider this and our animal shelters may not have so many of these precious animals behind bars. many are having to put their pets there because landlords do not allow them. This is wrong. Please pass a no discrimination law due to a dogs breed. Thank you. JUDGE THE DEED NOT THE BREED