
It's time to end marijuana prohibition.

I am writing to urge you to stand with the majority of Americans support the legalization of marijuana at the federal level. This is an issue that often get's set aside because at first mention it doesn't seem very important compared to other issues, but I ask you to please see that it's an issue much bigger than people simply wanting to smoke marijuana it's an issue of personal freedom, it's and issue of generating new tax revenue, it's an issue of creating jobs and stimulating the economy, it's an issue of health care for those who need it medically, it's an issue of easing the over crowding problems in our local jails and state and federal prisons, and finally it's an issue of law enforcement.

Studies have shown that marijuana is a safer and less addictive than alcohol or tobacco. According to the institute of medicine of the national academy of Science 32 percent of those who try tobacco become addicted and 15 percent of people who try alcohol become addicted but only 9 percent of people who try marijuana become addicted. Also there a zero deaths a year due to marijuana compared to 88,000 deaths a year due to alcohol and 480,000 a year due to cigarette smoking alone. Marijuana has also helped and changed the lives of countless people with diseases and disorders like cancer, seizures, chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and that's just a few of the conditions it can help the list goes on and on. In moderation the recreational use of marijuana can of course lower stress which has lots of over all health benefits.

Legalizing marijuana would allow us to stop arresting and convicting hundreds of thousands of non violent offenders a year which would help with over crowding, and allow us to save tax dollars that would have been used to arrest, hold, try, and if incarcerated house, clothe, and feed these people. Legalization would allow our drug enforcement agency to focus it energy an resources on drugs that actually are extremely harmful and destroy lives like heroin and meth. Local law enforcement would also be able to focus it energy on keeping citizens safe from actual violent crime and dealing with the street gangs that have plagued our inner cities for decades now.

there has been great concern about statements that have come from the white house about this issue but I ask you to please support the legalization of marijuana and represent the will of the people. there is so much to gain from making this plant that until 1937 was cultivated and used for thousands of years legal again. thank you very much for your time.