
Islam is anti-American and must be stopped.

Freedom to practice religion is a fundamental right we have however, Islam is not a religion and should not receive constitutional protection.

Islam is a death cult masquerading as a religion. It's also a fully controlling political system complete with its own theocratic judicial system.

We cannot peacefully coexist with muslims and thier backward beliefs. Muhammad was a war criminal who spent most of his life terrorizing, raping, stealing, enslaving and murdering anyone who wouldn't convert to his twisted cult.

His followers to this day are invading every western nation stupid enough to let them in their borders so they can do the same thing; establish a caliphate and annihilate or enslave all infidels.

There is no negotiating with them, no diplomatic solution. They want us all dead period.

Then they will erase all our history as if we never existed.

Wake up to this evil!

Please introduce a bill making the death cult of Islam illegal so we can begin to expel this menace to our society.

Muslims are on track to take over Europe country by country starting with Sweden. The longer we wait to act, the harder it will be to eradicate this evil seeking our complete destruction.

If we wait too long, it'll be too late. I cannot overstate the seriousness of this threat. I've never written my representatives but this is too important to let slide.

You must be strong, & stand your ground. You will be called all the usual fanged names the left loves the label anyone that dares to cross thier insane group-think regressive positions.

Strong men know this is what needs to be done. It's not comfortable. The left- especially the media will howl & scream bloody murder about how racist & phobic you/we are.

You'll never convince them of the danger Islam poses. They aren't rational & cannot be reasoned with.

They'll only begin to wise up as Mohamed's blade slices their heads off.