
Impeachment of President Joseph R. Biden for War Crimes against The People of Palestine. Free Palestine

BE IT KNOWN UNTO Congress, The Senate and The House, that the People of Palestine have been under the oppression of The Israeli Terrorist Forces for the last 75 years strictly for their land and its resources.

Since October 7th, Israeli Terrorist Forces have bombarded Gaza relentlessly murdering over 21,000 NON-COMBATANT civilians including over 4160 Children killing up to 1 person every minute!

THIS IS NOT A WAR! This is GENOCIDE! The literal definition of Genocide is the killing of generations of families of people! Joseph R. Biden is complicit in the Genocide of the Palestinian People and MUST be removed from office! Israeli Terrorist Forces have destroyed all of Gaza in an effort to drive the Palestinians from their own land, a land that they are ancestrally tied to!

WE THE PEOPLE demand an immediate impeachment as well as a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION from the HIGHEST OF COURTS into the vast INFORMATION that has recently been revealed! The People of Palestine deserve a voice and JUSTICE for the genocide they have suffered, and for the destruction of their cities.

Forthwith, WE THE PEOPLE further demand that all future monies HERETOFORE be RESCINDED from being delivered to the Israeli Terrorist Forces and be given to the People of Palestine for REPIRATIONS for the complete and utter destruction of the land. Israeli Terrorist Forces completely destroyed Gaza using conventional weapons provided by the United States Government AGAINST the will of WE THE PEOPLE and we are no longer going to stand by and allow this to continue.