
Impeach Pelosi

Over the past 10 months that Pelosi has been Speaker of the House I have seen several resolutions on gun control, blocking the the President's emergency wall on the Mexican border, trying to to get the President's tax records and many other worthless proposals. They spend more time trying to impeach our President rather than support the needs of their constituents. Not one one their resolutions have become a bill that has made it to the President to benefit the American people.

I have monitored the House activities and not once have I seen Pelosi as the speaker and not once have I seen Pelosi present. She always appoints another Rep to assume her duties, then the Speaker decides to go to recess many times during the legislation day. I oftem wonder how can they accomplish anything. Why are we paying these people for nothing?? Where is the priority on legislation to benefit the American citizens that pay her salary???

Meanwhile we have several thousand illegal immigrants pouring through our border bringing illlegal drugs, arms and diseases and they are committing crimes agaist American citizens.

Nancy Pelosi needs to be impeached, or forced to resign, becasuse she does not care about our country nor is she doing her job. She's doing everything possibly to block what President Trump is doing building a wall to secure our country. I want her removed and I want proper legslation action done to support the American citizen, I give her 0% approval rating.

The priority list:

Build the Wall and secure all of our borders
Fix the immigration policy
Deport all illegal immigrants now
Fix our infasructure
Provide clean water
Get the homeless off the street
Clean up Los Angeles Ca, Portland, NY and New Jersey, Chicago
Eliminate crime in Chicago
Get rid of minimun wage
Investigate Hillary Clinton and Obama

When is the House going back to work for the American citizens????
No Bill, No Pay

Many congressman are ignoring the problem, especially on the Democratic side, and seem to be more concerned about political posturing and getting their stupid lines and pictures posted on many media platforms, which gets further exaggerated way beyond the truth. They are simply more concerned about taking our guns away and their constant investigating about impeaching the President.

Many have already violated their oath of office, especially in the Pelosi run House, but since they are Democrats they are never held accountable , so they continue to violate the oath.
I provided a copy of it below, so reaffirm your oath:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The President has not violated his oath of office and has committed no crimes or misdemeanors, so all proceedings of attempted impeachment will be dropped and you will begin to do your job that you were elected to do, because I am a US Citizen and I have paid your salary for the past 50 years and YOUR going to do what is right for America.