
If 2nd Amendment is Lost or Altered, All other Rights will be negated

"Stand Up" or "Bend Over", very simple choice

Why gun grabbers are the true ?anti-government? extremists

The mainstream media and the White House attempt to twist these ideas by branding anyone who disagrees with the government as an ?anti-government? extremist. But that?s not the case at all: Most patriots aren?t anti-government at all. They are simply anti-corrupt government while being pro Constitutional government.

People who advocate gun control today are actually ?anti-constitutional government? extremists because their ideas extremely diverge from the laws of the land (the Constitution and Bill of Rights). What could be more extreme than suggesting the People have no rights and that the government has total power to decide which rights in the Bill of Rights it wishes to recognize?

Gun grabbers are the true anti-government people because they are enemies of the legitimate and lawful government of America. Rather than constitutional government, they wish to see an illegitimate, unlawful government usurp power and run the country as a police state that respects no limits to its power. That?s the type of government desired by foolishly dangerous people like Rachel Maddow, Michael Moore, Michael Bloomberg, Joe Biden and others.

Imagine if Bloomberg were given the power to rewrite the Constitution?

Think about it: If people like Bloomberg had their way, there would be no Constitution, no Bill of Rights, no due process, no trial by jury and no free market choices whatsoever. The people would have no rights and freedoms, and the government would simply dictate to them what they could buy, eat, drink, think, speak, write and more. All forms of expression would be tightly regulated by the government, and anyone who was labeled ?guilty? by the government would be immediately sentenced without trial or even a requirement of any evidence being presented.

This is the world being created by gun control advocates. Yet, in the end, they owe gun owners a huge debt because it is gun owners who will halt the march of tyranny in America. We will protect the rights and liberties of all Americans ? including those who are seeking to take away our rights. The purpose of the Second Amendment has always been to protect the integrity of all the other amendments, including the First. The only reason people like Jim Carrey can attack gun rights in America is because the Second Amendment has put enough guns in the hands of enough Americans to dissuade the government from destroying the First Amendment.

Finally, I know there are a few readers, mostly younger people, who cannot imagine government ever becoming ?evil? or ?tyrannical,? and they think this talk of the Second Amendment being needed to protect the rights and freedoms of Americans sounds outlandish. To those people I say you are uninformed. You are ignorant of history, and you would be wise to learn history now, lest you inadvertently become part of it in the very near future.