I urge you to undo ties to UN
I urge you to undo ties to UN
I urge you to get out of the UN. We should not be taking any kinda orders from them. We should be telling them get out of our business. This is Our Country not theirs. WE WANT IT BACK.
WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND UN BE DISBURSE from American future. Our Constitution says we are not to take orders from other nations. You swore an other to up hold the Constitution when elected. We will not take any bullying from them. Its time for you to live up to Our Rights not the UN rights.
Barry Has A woke a sleeping Giant and we will not take anymore insane insults from him.
WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND UN BE DISBURSE from American future. Our Constitution says we are not to take orders from other nations. You swore an other to up hold the Constitution when elected. We will not take any bullying from them. Its time for you to live up to Our Rights not the UN rights.
Barry Has A woke a sleeping Giant and we will not take anymore insane insults from him.
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