Honor the Treaty
Honor the Treaty
About 200 years ago, following the near genocide of the Native American peoples, we set aside land and signed a treaty stating that the Native American people are self-governing nations. As sovereign nations residing within, but not part of, the United States of America, they are not bound by our tax laws taxes - and, as part of the federal treaty, tariffs - imposed by the United States. Now the governor of NY and Wilson Farms convenient stores along with other individuals seek to violate this federal treaty by limiting the quantity of sales permitted to non-Native Americans on Native lands and seeking to impose taxes on sales to non-Native Americans on Native lands. It is time we took a stand and said no to these businesses and politicians that feel they have the right to single out Native Americans or any other minority. Not only does NY State lack the authority to violate the treaty, it is also showing its willingness to use violent force, placing police barricades, and using police to monitor anyone leaving the reservation. Let your voice ring out against this injustice and let them know we as Americans will not tolerate anyone targeting the Native People in our good names
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