
Help Our Veterans

Veterans fighting for VA Compensation

To Whom It May Concern,

My fiance served this country with Honor only to be disposed of by the Army. He has PTSD and was rated 60%. He started having other Health issues and sent in more paperwork to the VA only to be taken from 60% down to 40% which means he loses $500+ every month. Nobody will hire him due to his ptsd, his family won't help and my family is tapped out. People like Sierra McGrone are getting national attention while people like my husband are committing suicide because they can't get the help they need due to limited resources or nobody will listen to them. When are we as a country going to acknowledge the sacrifices our men and women make to this country? Do we have to scream louder? Do we have to have a rally of veterans? Enough of this petty political correct crap already and please help me help my fiance!