
Halt Cyber-Bullies Now

Help Protect our children from Cyber-Bullying

Since the advent of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites, there has been a marked increase in reports of cyber-bullying. Unlike normal bullying, cyber-bullying follows our children right into their homes. It is impossible to escape. While the government has laws in place which address standard physical bullying, there is currently nothing in place to protect those who are victimized online or via text. It is imperative that Congress recognize the damage done to our children due to cyber-bullying in order to avoid further acts of violence toward our children and worse, acts of violence by the victims who can no longer withstand the torment. We at Halt Cyber-Bullies Now believe that all acts of cyber-bullying be nationally recognized as harassment and those who engage in it should be subject to civil and criminal consequences for their reckless and harmful behavior.