
Gang Stalkers Exposed

Please publish each person who creates a cell of stalkers who target an individual. It is usually one person who is mentally ill and sets up each group of people whos goals are to stay hidden so police Sherrifs Dept FBI have a difficult time proving it's happening. My stalker has made it known he is going to get away with watchinge whither away by mentally physical abusing me by hacking into my cell phones landlines my Amazon utube accounts etc pretending it's me by piggybacking off my internet account. They accuse you of who they are. They spred lies use holograms and electromagnetic torture. Gang Stalkers and mentally immature psychopaths narcissistic not fit for society. The type of person cannot be rehabilitaded. The get drunk do drugs and laugh like idiots. They use fake IDs do not pay taxes and are committing murder. They try to steal the victims money and or property and will kill whole families to get what they want. In the end they will turn on each other and blame one another. The have podcast broadcasting stupid lies they create for years and years because they are desperate failures drug addicts and have a history of criminal behavior. Please post names of stalkers just like terrorists. They are domestic terrorist and need the deaTh penalty to show the USA will not tolerate even domestic terrorist our own citizens who terrorize indiduals and try and ruin there lives. It's time to turn the table public notice on the FBI website will fix these men and women who think they can hide behind computer's. They use the victims computer's to hide along with neural dust Rfid dust and nanotech. Wireless internet is traceable.