

SSDI's fund experiences a shortfall in 2016 which will cut benefits 20%.

I do not approve of the reallocation rule change the Republican led Congress passed by including it in the gigantic parliamentary procedures. Attacking the 11 million disabled in this country the minute you gain power of Congress is an abuse of such power. You are effectively robbing insurance benefits from working Americans that paid into SSDI for generations in the form of the FICA payroll tax. It is not an option to refuse funding the shortfall in the SSDI fund. You are effectively breaking the law and defrauding the American public. It is additionally illegal to refuse to pay full benefits to SSDI beneficiaries by allowing their benefits to be cut 20%. The disabled are real people and are not a bargaining chip. You should be ashamed of yourselves for attacking those least able to defend themselves just to promote your agenda to privatize Social Security. Justifying your actions by implementing a smear campaign against the disabled is also very immoral and heartless. I demand you lift the income cap so that all Americans pay into the Social Security fund at the same rate. It is time that those making over $118,000 pay into this fund at the same rate as those less fortunate. This simple rule change would keep Social Security solvent for 75 years. LIFT THE CAP!!! Don't even think of cutting SSDI 20% in 2016.