

CDC, Doctors, Labs, and Hospitals NEED to diagnose and treat PARASITES

Millions of AMERICANS are sick, suffering, and dying from parasitic infections.

Some infections are acquired in the United States. Most parasites are brought home from citizens who travelled, worked, or volunteered overseas. People, like myself, are fed up with doctors who don't believe them, lack knowledge, education and training, and only treat the symptoms - not the root causes. Gallbladder disease, female and bladder cancers and pancreatic cancers are all linked to Schistosomiasis and other parasites. Lab tests don't work, and hospitals won't treat people with parasites. Drug companies that include BAYER produce and DONATE pills overseas. Americans can't get the needed drugs to treat or save lives because doctors in the United States turn a blind eye. They rely solely on tests.

The CDC, and U.S. health organizations direct PRESUMTATIVE AND PREVENTATIVE TREATMENT FOR INCOMING ALIENS and encourage Africa and stricken nations to forgo testing. U.S. citizens who are ill and dying only get treatment if the doctor believes the tests are accurate.

There are doctors, PHDs, researchers, foundations and leaders in this field that remain "untouchable". They are funded by The Gates Foundation, The Carter Foundation, The WHO and other organizations. Many, which U.S. taxpayers support. However, we can't reap the benefits.

The expertise and research money goes to AFRICA and overseas. People in the United States lose all quality of life, happiness, financial ability, and eventually will die of "the illnesses associated with parasites."

More people die from Neglected Tropical Diseases and their effects.

Because of increased international travel (as simple as a honeymoon 20 years ago}, military returning home, and now ILLEGAL ALIENS, the burden of parasites and the need to address the health and economic repercussions.