
Freedom of access to Public roads

Allow unlicensed drivers to operate a stand-up gas scooter.

Here in Oregon and many other states they have their laws written in such a way to prevent anyone that has a suspended license to use anything with a motor on any street at any time. Yet you can operate one if you never had a license. Those of us who cant afford to have a license right now are being prevented from obtaining and keeping gainful employment due to no way to get to work. I ride a gas powered scooter to and from work. My employer is not near any bus route nor do the buses run after 9:45pm and I dont get off work till well after that time. I also work to far away to make riding a bike feasible. With the economy the way it is and the price of gas it makes it very hard for many families to make it. There many , many people out there that could benefit from having the option to ride a stand up gas scooter to and from their employment. Now only does it use far less fuel but it also costs way less to buy one. I'm am referring to the 49cc and under, stand-up gas powered scooters. Oregon law states that you must not travel more than 15mph and not be able to go faster than 25mph. You can easily exceed this limit with every scooter made.