
\"Forward...Halt! We the American people demand a decision be made about the terrorist acts at BenGhazi by Nov 1st , 2012

This petition is to try and stop President Obama from continuing his efforts to become President before we know the Truth about Benghazi attacks ,as he should not be President if he Indeed Ignored Help To Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty,

We The People are extremely unsatisfied by the response from the White House, from 9/11/2012 through present and consider it reprehensible that more is not being done to bring resolution to the issue of President Obama and His Administration regarding the Lies and deception about what really happened on 9/11/2012 of the attacks on Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods, who perished by the hands of a Terrorist organization, and was viewed in Real time by the help of a drone video taping these actions as they happened and were being viewed by President Obama and his staff,

The President and the others who said that it happened due to a video has actually lied to the American voter and has tainted The American Voters decision to vote for the right person in this election 2012.

President Obama and his Administration has lost credibility by the American voter and cannot be trusted to further tell the truth regarding these issues and We the people are demanding the following:

1)We the People deserve answers to all of our questions as to the lies being told about the attacks and demand swift action before the election as to what is happening.

2) We The People Demand all information and records explaining these lies and these records be confirmed by the government as real and are not a false statement in reference to the lives that were lost at the hands of President Obama and his Administration.

3) We The People further ask that the information that you have be made public by Nov 1st so as to let America know what the truth is before they vote.

4),We the People also ask that those who have voted early but were left with a different impression after hearing these said lies from The Obama Administration, shall have the right to vote again , as this information of lies and deceit has tainted their voting for the right person.

7) We The People Demand all information be broadcasted worldwide so that all voters , military abroad and here at home in the USA, know all findings by this committee, and demand it be confirmed by the government, as to the findings by Nov 1st, 2012

8) A swift and credible answer that resolve all of these issues be made available to anyone to see, and form their decision as to whether they voted for the right reasons and the right candidates are elected upon merit of truths and not lies by this government, and that legal action be taken for misrepresenting the truth in such serious matters as the ones in Benghazi on 9/11/2012, and all other lies as well pertaining to these facts that the candidates share, and if they are misrepresented purposely, that actions be taken on legal stature as this causes damage to the US American People, by false statements.

Thank you, The American People