
Follow The Constitution, The Foundation That Makes US Successful

Our Constitution needs to be followed exactly the way it was written

America's problems stem from the fact that both the Democratic and Republican parties have been more interested in furthering their own parties' agendas instead of adhering to the Constitution of the United States of America.

The only way to correct our problems is to follow the U.S. Constitution and follow it to the letter of the law the way our founding fathers intended.

Anything tried outside Our Constitution and you have what we are witnessing today ? confusion and a move towards a dictatorial style of government completely foreign to the intent of our nation's founders.

With this said, I invite you to sign this petition, to let our politicians know that U.S. Constitution is our one and only guide for the America our founding fathers intended for us to have. We believe that if the Constitution says it, do it. If it doesn't say it, don't do it.

Adhere to Constitution