
Feinstein\'s Gun Ban to Affect Millions of Law-abiding Gun Owners

Slimy Hag's Nefarious Plan To "Neuter" The Constitution Are Far From Over

We encourage Congressional Members to oppose ALL of the gun control that is currently on the table:

* Senator Dianne Feinstein's latest attempt to ban millions of shotguns, rifles and handguns that Americans legally own;

* Her back-handed way of using a "loophole" to possibly ban ALL magazines of any size -- given that her bill would arguably ban magazines that can be conceivably "converted" to accept more than 10 rounds, no matter how difficult.

More importantly, We urge you to oppose any attempt to expand background checks to cover all gun sales. Given that the ATF is registering gun owners right now by ILLEGALLY copying 4473 forms, We should not trust the federal government with ANY private information that would tag law-abiding American citizens as gun owners.

The only "gun proposal" that would make a difference is to repeal the Gun-Free School Zones gun ban, which have served as magnets for criminals. Gun-free zones have been the location for virtually every large-scale massacre in recent history -- Sandy Hook, the Aurora theater, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech, Columbine, etc.

Again, Please oppose ANY restrictions upon our Second Amendment rights.