
Federal Government Gives Illegal Aliens 5-Star Accomodations While Homeless Americans and Veterans Suffer

All Paid For The American Taxpayer, Meanwhile It's Illegal To Feed American Homeless

Exclusive photos of an illegal immigrant shelter on a military base in Texas emphasize how the Obama administration is quick to aid illegal aliens but not veterans, especially not the vets being horribly mistreated at VA hospitals or even the homeless veterans struggling on the streets across America.

The Department of Health and Human Services is using the Hackney Training Complex on Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas to house nearly 2,000 minors who entered the country illegally, costing American taxpayers over $250 per child daily.

When we asked for an in-person interview, the base?s public information office stated that Lackland is not ?directly involved? in the management of the immigration shelter and referred us to HHS representatives in Washington, D.C. who did not return our phone calls. The PIO also said that press access to the facility was not allowed because it wasn?t a designated ?media day? in which reporters can listen to ? but not film ? a statement made to the press. Regardless, in the interest of the public we did our own investigation into the temporary housing of illegal aliens at Lackland, taking photos of the facility through various holes in the fences erected to keep the media out.

The minors at the shelter range in age from teenagers to as young as five and spend time in the shelter playing basketball and singing songs, according to Infowars reporter SSG Joe Biggs, who was on the scene at the shelter.

?But one of the more interesting things is that we have illegal immigrants who are staying here on a military facility while homeless veterans are outside the gate with no shelter and no food,? he said. ?These kids [on the other hand] are being flown in and brought in by the busload to be taken care of.?

The Lackland shelter is just one of many recently established by the feds in response to the THOUSANDS of Central American children who have made the dangerous ? and sometimes deadly ? journey to enter the U.S. illegally in the past few weeks alone.

The kids were encouraged by the de facto amnesty enacted by the Obama administration through selective enforcement of immigration laws and executive actions, which is a large enough incentive for them to endanger their lives to the ultimate benefit of the White House which stands to gain politically from the resulting pressure on Congress to enact amnesty in law.

?This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes,? said a statement released by the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers."