
Falsely accused Good Hard working Fathers Ruined.

Any Father accused of a lie and has no prior history. Should be granted an appeal with a court outside the family court, with a jury trial to find the TRUTH.

To many fathers have been the victims of the family courts process of being guilty until proven innocent. A woman should not be able to just say anything without real evidence. Since the beginning of the disgrace of how I was handled by the lawyers all the way to the Judge all the way down to the clerk. My ex who is now obviously the person who caused the entire thing. I spent 18 months trying to undo the wrong. The lawyers and family court should not be able to take my rights away. Basically 1 woman's story Told to another Woman Which happened to be the judge ruled without ever letting me speak. I still can't believe it happened in Phila .,Pa. If certain cases fit this scenario, It would be a crime not to let the innocent man have a chance to prove his innocents an appeal should be allowed. To many men who are honest hard working fathers are having their life taken away from them. Why are we letting them bury their mistakes at a good mans expense.