
Fair child support guidelines act

Good morning to all of my elected officials. My name is Michael Diaz I am a Father of two and a law enforcement officer in the state of New York. I am writing my elected officials to request a change in child support guidelines. I currently share equal custody time with my Obligee in my family court case. I am writing you today because I am due back in court on November 3, 2023 to receive a final support order, I am terrified that I may end up homeless and unable to support both of my children, one who is disabled upon the final court order being issued. As I grapple with the possibility of my life being turn apart in a few weeks I still believe in democracy and our country’s core values Freedom, equality, and justice. Any help or legislation from our elected officials would would make a profound difference for millions of parents all over the country and would give active parents like myself a voice and glimmer of hope. Thank you all.