
exsiting not living

It is a basic human right not to suffer.

I ask you to support this for all chronic pain suffers. Your laws have left doctors unwilling to treat pain. New physicians since 1988 have been trained to not treat chronic pain. They send them to anathesiologists who are now called pain clinics. They are not effective at pain management much of the time. Incompetent to treat pain. Many believe you will become addicted??? Yet hundreds of studies to the contrary. And if so so what!!!!! Can you cute me? Can you give me my life back? I have a husband who has spent a Kings Random on my illness. I have two daughters & two Grandchildren I would love to enjoy! That is impossible due to the laws of the USA considering use of medication that actually works. The fear of using opioids for chronic pain sufferers is taboo in medical & Government circles. Yet alcohol completely acceptable . Will you continue to let young and old alike suffer ? You can say no to suffering .