
European~American Heliocentric Revolution Universe Circuit: Freedom

The American Broadcasting Company(ABC) is the American Heliocentrism Universe Italian Renascence Revolution orbit rotation of the elementary grade & high school. Legendary Monarchs Henry and Ann Tudor Joint Reign of United Kingdom from Buckingham Palace, Ferdinand the Explorer King of Spain with Queen, The Sun-centered Superuniverse circuit founder Nicolas Copernicus with Christ Michelangelo Buonarroti & Lieutenant Christ Leonardo Da Vinci; King James Stewart and Stuart with Westminster Palace Parliamentary Abbey's authorized bibliography of the Lord our God Creed common prayer also known as the trinity paradise, European Parliament's Louis XIIII and the Hope Diamond Gemini stone rock star constellation ~ The Smithsonian Institution center rotunda permanent exhibit is a blue gemstone chip replica , United Tribes of Tsenacomoco American Chief Powhatan with Pocahontas and the Rolfes.

The solar tropical system revolution orbits the Milky Way galaxy spiral arms nucleus star core with a black hole in the center ~ nine new event horizons telescopes together took the first complete photograph of the hole this summer(a bright orange light behind the hole might be the sun or stars). Planets today decimal point dot com database has the percent of major & minor world neighbors are of Earth ~ igneous rock, metamorphic and sedimentary gems are likely; proving the water & food irrigation system exists. Bacteria, plant, and animal life kingdoms might be the same. US library of congress Exploring the early Americans briefly exhibited a brown colored sphere shaped globe of the local Universe so latitude and longitude circles of symmetry could possibly rotate 15 degrees per 15 galactic cosmo minutes with the planet Earth we live on connecting to each other by gravity wave pulls and a symmetric airspace flow graphing chart of public & parochial school skylines If Asian and African landmass on Earth which is 100% extinct plant, bacteria, animal, rock species fossil imprints are proven deceased dormant dead remains we will have time for the thanksgiving holiday with the neighbors starting Mercury's transit to the other side of the sun crossing the suns ellipse revolution path week 1.5 in the present November month so will we be a Mercury centered-universe for a little while. And what else a solar eclipse, aligning together feels defensive and unnatural; Nebadon could use rest & relaxation with the republican political party ~ where's all our money? Urantia says love is the universal currency so Roe vs. Wade landmark court circuit case might be the Roman Vatican Cathedral of Orvonton verses the Legendary Cathedral in Orvando about property abortion life choice rights for a deed ownership package. We are said to have a retrograde revolution & rotation by astrologers for Uranus and a minor world or two described as counter-clockwise; however I don't think retrograde means that because running against gravity is not different than against the wind right now, plus airspace routes are coming together with a few road rules and my guess is the ellipse system is a 'one way street' road orbit route for now. More importantly what if the ellipse rotation axis measures time per minute/second like Earth does and a counter clockwise rotation would state we are traveling back in time the 15 minutes per the same degree amount and losing a years time if we revolve counter-clockwise around the sun. Merry thanksgiving season to the European American Heliocentric Universe Circuit, sincerely Mary Elizabeth Christi. Cosmic year 2019_adjusted for a daylight savings time plan.