
Enough, It\'s Time to Discuss Gun Control!

We need to force congress to have a frank discussion about gun violence in this nation, they will not act unless we demand them to.

ENOUGH! That?s what I told myself the last time and the time before that and the time before that?unfortunately I?m again forced to ask myself, when is enough? When will we stop trying to convince ourselves, it won?t happen again, it won?t happen here, it won?t happen to someone I know and love? We convince ourselves of these assumptions in order to cope with the reality of horrific events. ENOUGH! I?m not going to continue to lie to myself as a coping mechanism, I have to do something. I refuse to listen to the same old excuses, frankly there are no excuses. I implore you to contact your elected officials (see link provided) and demand that they start bipartisan dialog about this epidemic of unbelievable violence in out country. I have attached a letter that you can use or use your own but please send it to our lawmakers: President, Senator, Congressmen demanding they start talking about ways we can better protect ourselves and our children. Close your eyes and imagine that we live in a country where these murders no longer exist, yes it?s possible. We can?t stand by and do nothing while mentally ill people use military weapons to murder our children. I?m not accusing or casting blame on anyone or any organization all that does is distract from the point that we must create protections that will help minimize the ease at which these horrific murders occur. Let?s not allow time to heal our emotional wounds and convince ourselves again that it won?t happen here, let?s do what we can to start the process of demanding our lawmakers protect us and our children. We have the right to live in a country where we can go see a movie with our family or go shopping for holiday presents or walk across a college campus or send our children to grade school without being murdered. Please, let?s not do nothing again, say ENOUGH!