
Enforce action on illegal citizens and their abbettors.

Stop the government and unlawful citizens from aiding and abbetting illegal citizens and enforce seizure of property of those that are illegal and those that aid and abbett.

I believe the solution to rectify the illegal immigrant situation is seizure of property of all illegals and those that aid and abbett illegal immigrants through supporting them, be it through renting or selling them property. These properties should be sold at auction and the money paid back to the government to help lower our taxes. People who aid illegals are commiting an illegal act as well. We take property away when we arrest drug offenders. We should make it legal to take away the property from illegals and any one who has assisted them and made it possible for the illegal immigrants to be here. THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALY. The seizure should also include property from senators or congressmen who make bad choices and support illegal behavior along with removing them from office immediately. We have laws for a reason and it does not make sense to correct one wrong action with another wrong action. The illegals should be encouraged to stay in their own country and fight for their rights instead of coming to our country and taking the food out of the mouths of our own children by high taxation enforced due to unjustified compensation to people who do not pay into a system. All the property confiscated from these illegal citizens, people giving them aid and support and political officials who are supporting illegal activity should be sold and paid back to the government to rebuild our country; This action should send a message to other illegals from wanting to come into our country and live off us for free.