
End The Housing Project At Mater Dolorosa

The Milky Way Galaxy is a vortex, and because a vortex is a single movement, every part of it is everywhere within itself, both spatially and temporally, both before and after death. Logically, then, Catholics can acknowledge that Jesus Christ is in all of the galaxy's plants. And, yet, even after having been confronted with these facts, Mater Dolorosa, a Passionists of the Holy Cross Province retreat center in southern California, still claims that the painful murder of trillions of plants (, and thus, a trillion painful murders of Jesus on their property to construct a community of houses is necessary to financially support their organization. By inflicting such murder, should they not, then, lose their jobs as members of the Passionists? And, if they lost their jobs, why then would the construction of those houses be necessary in the first place? For whom would there be a need to support financially through them? If, however, they continue to have their jobs even after having committed the very same thing that they've spent and continue to spend their lives condemning through it, then the Passionists of the Holy Cross Province are fake through and through and should be known as such. If you argue, however, that the nonhuman shouldn't be stood for because it's anti-human to do so, then know that humanity never took the stance humans vs nonhumans in the first place but always life vs death. And, since human civilization's destruction of the planet is currently a threat to humanity's life ( and since, so far, it's refused both on its own accord and by the demands of its countless activists and others to sufficiently stop that destruction even after having been confronted with the facts time and time again, standing for the nonhuman where doing so isn't at the expense of the human is the appropriate stance. Because the mass murder of trillions of plants on the Mater Dolorosa property for some housing is not necessary given the peaceful and financially viable alternative of a botanic garden (like that of the California Botanic Garden, which could potentially give them three times as much money), *opposing it is the appropriate stance.* So, please, save lives by supporting this petition. This is a fight not just for our fellow nonhuman community members but also for our city's integrity. Thank you.