
End the Department of Defense Excess Property Program

End transfers of surplus military gear to police departments

Under the Department of Defense Excess Property Program, or "Program 1033", the Pentagon is authorized to dispense all manner of surplus military goods to police departments. While this includes radios and laptops, wet-weather gear and body armor, it also includes carbines, tripods, armored vehicles, and basically everything that a local police department would need to absolutely make a mockery of the Posse Comitatus restrictions against military power being exercised against civilians.

Frankly, rather than find some way to limit only the dispensing of gear that local police are not adequately trained to use in a productive manner, they deserve to have the entire program ended. Militarization of police not only strains their local budgets, it leads to a corrosive effect on communities as police become less peace officers and liasons to a community, and more aggressive MPs.