
End Child Support In Ohio

Tired of supporting Dead Beat Parents

Child support should be ended immediately in the State Of Ohio. It is unfortunate that a Mother or Father should be ordered to pay child support on any child. The non custodial parent has just as many bills if not more than the residental parent. Each parent must have a home, clothes, food and transportation for the minor children. It is unjust that one parent shall be made responsible for supporting the minor children solely. If there is a case where a parent stops support or has no contact with the minor children, all though this would be unfortunate to the children, it's called life. Chose your mate wisely. Wait to have children until married, wait to have children until you know they would make excellent parents. It is unjust for the parents that work full time to support the other parent who does not work while being held responsible for bills in their household and outside their household .