Eliminate Daylight Savings & Updating the 1966 Uniform Time Act
It is well known that Daylight Saving Time is an outdated concept. It has been discussed and voted on in many states and on a national government level. Yet it seems no one is willing to make a final decision. In addition, it appears we are unable to decide if we should use the Spring DST or Fall DST. It has been proven that changing the time every year has detrimental health effects on adults, children, and pets. There is sleep loss, disruption of set schedules and internal clocks, mood problems, suicide, increased traffic accidents, increase in heart attacks and strokes during both time transition periods. If one is concerned about conserving energy, which is the reason it was adopted in the first place in the United States then use the Fall Daylight Saving Time and it will continue to save energy in the winter months as originally intended. Arizona has been on the Fall DST since 1968 and Hawaii has been on the Fall DST since 1945. I am petitioning that a final legislative decision be made to adjust the time for all states to use the Fall Daylight Saving Time and follow Arizona and Hawaii's examples. It is time to stop observing an old-fashioned idea and update the Uniform Time Act of 1966.
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