
Elected Politician Salaries

Our elected politicians should have their salaries reduced to minimum wage for failing to do their jobs.

For too long you elected politicians have made careers out of becoming a professional politician. Our system was not set up for this elitist entitlement. Every last one of you are responsible for the failures of our economy and the out of hand spending. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Our country is great, however; you have been doing a horrible job here and abroad. You have shown every other country that we are becoming weak and we are unable to pass a budget. You would rather shutdown our government and put the safety of the ones you represent in harms way. How do we maintain being a superpower and police other countries when our country is a total mess? How do you continue to carry on like spoiled children having temper tantrums. The President is suppose to lead but he has decided to take a back seat once again and watch as you Democrats and Republicans bicker like an old married couple. This is nonsense. You were elected to represent we the people but you continue to serve yourselves while we the people suffer under your unjust policies. You all are failures, every last one of you. Your pay should reflect this. It's time you serve because it's a higher calling not a career choice. It's time every last one of you are placed on minimum wage salaries. We the tax payer, your employers, do not wish to pay you extraordinary amount of pay for failing to do your jobs. You are all incompetent and we the people deserve much better. Not one of you have any sense if leadership. The time has come for you all to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. No more special entitlements, no more back room dealings. You all should be placed on minimum wage and you all should be signed up for the Affordable Care Act. If the President believes that his ACA is so wonderful why wasn't he and his family the first ones to sign up?