

chronic pain sufferers have no rights in this country anymore: are forced to suffer, and be treated as criminals, and guinea pigs by Big Pharma plastic, rubber etc, fillers secretly put in pain meds, and Government involvement restricting and monitor


Dear congressional members, as a disabled RN after 25 plus years of working, back breaking, life saving service to the citizens of this country, I am appalled by the treatment of those of us who suffer in constant pain! Like everything else that gains media attention, the "war on drugs" has gone too far! The drug addiction problems in this country have crossed over to affect (and destroy) the lives of LEGITIMATE pain citizens. Not only have we been treated as criminals, lost our doctors, medications, etc, now Big Pharma has found a way to cash in by secretly making abuse deterrent pain medications (unknown for long period of time), making guinea pigs out of us! Many of which have caused allergic, and deathly illnesses, withdrawal symptoms, no relief, etc, etc! This is an outrage!! Our people are jumping off bridges, committing suicide to simply end the suffering! While addicts have not been deterred at all in turning to heroin (cheaper and much more dangerous) and finding ways to avuse these plastic poison prescriptions anyway! While we, lose! We lose our ability to function, clean, cook, sleep, go outside....believe we even matter as citizens! WE sign the pain contract, pee in the cup, get monitored by dea, get turned away by scared doctors, humiliated in pharmacies, get drugs made in India, China, etc (many of which have been warned, closed, reprimanded, for quality, ingredients, data, hand washing!! This is nothing short of socialism! Us citizens, giving their lives, careers to this country; now being ostracized for PAIN! CHRONIC PAIN! left to die, unable to fight this Rediculous and un American prejudice! I have given my life in service as a nurse all over this country, including post Katrina! This has to stop! WE ARE THE PEOPLE! WE DESERVE THE HEALTHCARE, THE SOCIAL SECURITY, THE BILL OF RIGHTS, THE RESPECT, to live! To have our medical issues addressed! Chronic pain is real! We are more important than that almighty dollar! We made that almighty dollar! Stop mis treating us, undertreating us! We are the people!!