
Disqualify Trump #DisqualifyTrump

Trump is unfit and unstable to become President and Commander in Chief

Dear Congressman/Senator and President Obama:

I am outraged at the RNC?s illegitimate nomination of Donald Trump because 11 states filed petitions for a roll call vote and were denied that right at the RNC Convention.

Despite all of our efforts, the RNC, Trump and party insiders ignored our calls and illegally nominated Donald Trump. We the people were cast aside, which is not what America?s founders envisioned when the Declaration of Independence was signed. As our representatives, we look to you to move forward and take action.

We urge our nation?s representatives to investigate, hold hearings, and disqualify Donald Trump and hold the rogue RNC accountable for their illegal actions.

Delegates whose civil rights were violated and denied a roll call vote through intimidation by the RNC and Trump whips, among others, must be given justice.

Citizens of the United States who were denied a fair election also deserve justice and the right to an investigation into the mishandling of this election and violation of RNC rules during the 2016 RNC Convention.

Thank you,

Concerned US Citizen