
Despotism, Censorship, converting constitutional protected activity into a crime. Criminal judge gag orders and VA insane criminals hypocrites. Subverting and destabilizing democracy and veterans rights they do not honor.

Veterans administration foia request for elected officials ,hiding from accountability, employment history, denial of service, foia request for personnel record disiplinary,bad public officials for failure to intervene being complicit in unlawful activity, public officials violating rights,unlawfully trespassed from public property, upsetting veteran searching stipends,hands on / use of force at veterans administration by police and public va officials in concert John Kelly phila PA vamc DBRFC= disruptive behavior red flag committee, refusing to identify, plus provide badge # stalking,solicitating a tresspass,attempting to violate 4th amendment and 1st and 2nd and 5th and 14th amendment, issuing unlawful trespass, retailiation,impeding freedom of movement, threat of arrest,duress ,intimidation with numbers of police surrounding using threats of violence, denial of services. Conspiracy, unprofessionalism failure to intervene, dereliction of duty,unlawful directives ,yelling at veteran with gun, threats with gun. Racial discrimination age,and disability discrimination and discrimination based on being a veteran with disabilities. Denial of health services 18 title usc 241 and 242 1983. 18 title usc 245. Failure to stop giving military aid with taxpayers money . Interfereing with government operations.