
Descendants of WWII Cavalry Horses in IMMEDIATE DANGER

Please help us pull out all the stops for this historic cavalry herd of war horse descendants. We are learning more and more by the minute of their historical significance. We believe they can continue to co-exist with these horses who have lived on

#‎FortPolk #WWII‬ #Cavalry descendants are in immediate danger.

We were told we had till Jan1 before horses would be allowed to be remove. Spoke with Sgt Baldwin ( Fort Polk Game Warden )

This is what i was told.

All that is needed is a hunting or fishing lic with a WMA permit .. The permit to get the horse is free. That's the only qualification mentioned

Fort polk game warden also confirmed you can get 50/yr max You have to catch them yourself. No QT or vet prior to taking the horses

They are not waiting ... this is not good.

Basic hunting (excluding big game) - $15

WMA $15

Big game $14

voice your concern, # 337-531-9437

They are not waiting like they said, they are not listening to public opinion, the horses are not documented.. not branded or trackable in anyway... there is no gaurantee that these horses will be safe. KBs will be all over this.

Please Voice Your Opinion and Put a HAULT to any further action to remove these Horses. Let Congress know that you want these horses protected status to be re-evaluated.