
Denouncing the practices of Female Genital Mutilation and all types of violence against women

Participation, protection, recognition, and equality of women is crucial to achieving a just, moral and peaceful society.

I am writing this letter today to request your support on the issue of Female Genital Mutilation. We are tracking H.J.Res. 12, this bill denounces the practices of female genital mutilation, domestic violence, "honor" killings, acid burnings, dowry deaths, and other gender-based persecutions, expressing the sense of Congress that participation, protection, recognition, and equality of women is crucial to achieving a just, moral and peaceful society. There are millions of women and girls affected negatively each year by this practice, we need to send a strong message to others that we stand against any kind of violence against women. We need to educate others to stop senseless deaths and the negative psychological damage that this practice has on these women and young girls. We strongly urge you to vote in favor of or sign on as a co-sponsor of this important piece of legislation.