
Create a Holiday to Honor Native Americans

Native Americans were settled in the United States before the Europeans arrived. There were some hostile tribes, but others helped colonists survive their first winters.

Continually, through the aggressive plans of the American government, the United States forced Native Americans out of their lands and further to the west. Many died due to American slaughter and diseases transmitted by Europeans.

It has not always been a comfortable relationship between Native Americans and United States citizens. Yet, their rich history and culture deserves to be honored.

We currently have no holiday that honors Native Americans. Thanksgiving day is the day we celebrate the settling of British colonists, not Native Americans. We celebrate Cinco de Mayo, for the victory the Mexican army against French forces, yet we don't honor those who lived and thrived in our country, before us.

We encourage the United States government to create a holiday especially to honor All Native Americans. It's been too long without such a holiday, and they deserve our greatest respect and recognition.

Thank you for your time and consideration.