

Over 16 years ago my life was a irrevocably changed. Family Court and CPS took my children,this was a heart-wrenching experience that no parent should ever have to endure. My older son was thrown into a State group home shortly after the adoption was finalized. The adopted family kept my newborn baby girl. Which was their sole reason for taking either of my children in the first place. My son suffered in that group home, he's been sexually assaulted,and physically abused, by other children, as well as the staff members of the facility. This is not just about my children,it's about countless families who have been torn apart by A system that is supposed to protect them. It's time we hold judges, district attorneys, public defenders, and child protection workers accountable for their crimes/actions made against our children,even those from the past. In 2019 alone over 672,000 children spent time in U.S. Foster Care systems. (source: children's bureau.) While some of these cases may be justified due to genuine concerns over child safety,or welfare issues at home.
There are too many instances where families are unnecessarily broken apart due to systematic failures,or biases within our legal system. We demand transparenc,and accountability from those who wield such significant power over our lives. We need an independent body that investigates complaints against these professionals and takes appropriate action when misconduct is found. Please join me in calling on lawmakers to establish this oversight mechanism as soon as possible. Please support this petition if you believe in Justice for All families affected by these devastating circumstances. What happened to my children was long ago,I still have every bit of evidence to prove that so many children have been unlawfully removed from their loving parents, my oldest son spent his entire childhood being tortured in group homes because he wasn't wanted by the family that adopted my daughter,a newborn baby, his life IS ultimately destroyed, the damage is NOT reversible,then the day he turned 18, he was kicked out on the streets to fend for himself. Our children deserve to be with their biological, loving families we need to put a stop to them targeting the young, vulnerable parents,and violating our rights,STOP taking advantage of us,NO child deserves to be thrown to the wolves,and tortured the way my son was. Let's all stand up together,and bring an end to corruption against our children and families. #WE THE PEOPLE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!