
Demand for CPS reform

Child protective Services has been a common concern to families all around the world, countless families are torn apart every year in inhumane and unconstitutional ways that violate civil, constitutional, and natural rights of those who fall victim to its tactics.
As representatives for the people an equal blame/fault is owed to you, for years of unheard cries for help from desperate heartbroken families and lack of correction, CPS does what they do because they are allowed to because they BUSINESS brings in high revenue IT IS NOTHING MORE THAN A COVER FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND SALES OF CHILDREN! why is it that CPS a government agency can holds it's hearings in civil court? how has it slipped through the cracks? and how can those who WE THE PEOPLE vote into office allow this? it is because all the promises made when running for those offices were made were empty and manipulating its that simple you said what you needed to say to get enough votes to win than turned your back on us! you have failed us just as much as the system if not more because you gave your word to honor and defend the constitution and all the rights it promises all citizens. I ask again PLEASE DO SOMETHING this needs to end the separation of children and families is inhumane and something only god should have control over. is it not IN GOD WE TRUST well start trusting and stop playing god